miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018


Catch your students attention in the classroom👀🙋

Resultado de imagen para teacher sadTeaching is tough! And that’s true even if you have a classroom full of 38 obedient children, who listen to your every word. ​ So what do you do when your students are noisy, loud and disruptive? How do you get your students to follow instructions so that you can give a rockstar lesson? 

 💢Make Some NEW Noise​  Novelty successfully captures young students’ attention, such as the sound of a wind chime or rain stick. Do you play an instrument? If so, that’s awesome! Surprise your class by playing an instrument, ​ and change songs and melodies from time to time!

 💢Animal Sounds – researchers demonstrate that the use of an animal encourages positive learning interactions. The teacher ​ says the name of an animal (or shows a picture) and students respond with the matching sound, “An elephant does what? A hyena does what? A Whale does what (that’s right, get creative with you animal calls)!
                                                             Resultado de imagen para students paying attention in class
💢Cartoons!​ – Animated characters are one of the greatest patterns Interrupts of modern society, you can read all about the psychology behind cartoons here; ​ Fortunately , you can easily integrate animation into your lesson plan using Powtoon. There are​ all sorts of templates that make students of all ages, stop in their tracks!’Five Facts’ is a great intro to presentation technology for young students. After you show them your own creation, have the students write 5 facts, favorite foods, five objects that begin with K…and then add them into the template.
💢Video Within your Presentation – Create a Slideshow and insert a short video clip from Youtube (or upload from your iPhone). This is done with one click on Powtoon, and this ​ ‘Quick-Clip’ technology is free. For example, you can give a presentation on Australia and use a small clip of hopping kangaroos, or you can add a clip of the latest Taylor Swift Video…. you set the start and stop times!​ You can also use yourself as the’important figure’ by prerecording yourself and embedding it into the presentation- Check out Math Teacher​ Matthew Weathers amusing students at Biola University​ in California.