Teaching is tough! And that’s true even if you have a classroom full of 38 obedient children, who listen to your every word. So what do you do when your students are noisy, loud and disruptive? How do you get your students to follow instructions so that you can give a rockstar lesson?
💢Make Some NEW Noise – Novelty successfully captures young students’ attention, such as the sound of a wind chime or rain stick. Do you play an instrument? If so, that’s awesome! Surprise your class by playing an instrument, and change songs and melodies from time to time!
💢Animal Sounds – researchers demonstrate that the use of an animal encourages positive learning interactions. The teacher says the name of an animal (or shows a picture) and students respond with the matching sound, “An elephant does what? A hyena does what? A Whale does what (that’s right, get creative with you animal calls)!
💢Cartoons! – Animated characters are one of the greatest patterns Interrupts of modern society, you can read all about the psychology behind cartoons here; Fortunately , you can easily integrate animation into your lesson plan using Powtoon. There are all sorts of templates that make students of all ages, stop in their tracks!’Five Facts’ is a great intro to presentation technology for young students. After you show them your own creation, have the students write 5 facts, favorite foods, five objects that begin with K…and then add them into the template.
💢Video Within your Presentation – Create a Slideshow and insert a short video clip from Youtube (or upload from your iPhone). This is done with one click on Powtoon, and this ‘Quick-Clip’ technology is free. For example, you can give a presentation on Australia and use a small clip of hopping kangaroos, or you can add a clip of the latest Taylor Swift Video…. you set the start and stop times! You can also use yourself as the’important figure’ by prerecording yourself and embedding it into the presentation- Check out Math Teacher Matthew Weathers amusing students at Biola University in California.